Car Technology

The Ultimate Guide To Enjoy Free Parking in Dubai

The Ultimate Guide To Enjoy Free Parking in Dubai

Dubai's state-of-the-art infrastructure and modern technology are pivotal for its growth, especially for its residents and tourists. Certain areas have designated free parking zones to maintain order and convenience throughout the city, contributing to the efficiency of Dubai's transportation system. Due to rapid urbanisation and vehicle usage among the citizens,

Shambhavi Singh
budget cars
10 Kinds Of Car Lights and Their Purposes

10 Kinds Of Car Lights and Their Purposes

Several types of headlights or lights are available in the UAE market today, each with its unique purpose and style. Drivers can customarily pick the car lights that suit their style of vehicle. We can set the headlight to different modes, use indicators to change direction, or turn on tail

Jitendra Bothra
Jitendra Bothra
How to increase fuel efficiency of a car in UAE

How to increase fuel efficiency of a car in UAE

TOP 10 WAYS TO INCREASE FUEL EFFICIENCY OF MY CAR IN UAE There is a significant rise in the prices of petrol and diesel in the UAE. While super 98 petrol costs 3.32 AED, the price of diesel goes around 4.01 AED. Therefore, it is super important to

Purnika Anand
Cars With the Best Infotainment Systems in UAE

Cars With the Best Infotainment Systems in UAE

The only saving grace of driving anywhere through boring bumper-to-bumper traffic is that you get to listen to your favourite music and catch up on podcasts. The car infotainment system is a must-have, especially when going on long drives to holiday destinations or when visiting friends and relatives who live

Purnika Anand
recent news
Ten high-end car features we hope soon make it to affordable cars

Ten high-end car features we hope soon make it to affordable cars

As with all new technology, they first appear in high-end and expensive vehicles. Over time, as more and more car manufacturers include them in their vehicles, they become much more cost-effective and standard. These new features improve safety, reduce emissions, improve mileage, make the car easier to drive, or make

Purnika Anand
Car Technology
Top 5 Upcoming SUV's in the UAE To Look Out For

Top 5 Upcoming SUV's in the UAE To Look Out For

SUVs are a no-brainer as they are safer, more powerful, can seat more people and have much more room to carry luggage when compared to a sedan or a hatchback. Modern SUVs are luxurious with a larger cabin space that can seat a minimum of 7 people comfortably along with

Purnika Anand
5 things you should know about your car

5 things you should know about your car

You don’t need to know everything about your car but you should have a handle on some of the basic elements. To help you feel more confident as a car owner, here are five things you should know before you get behind the wheel: 1. Year, make and model

Shambhavi Singh
Car Buying Tips
How to check your car's oil level correctly

How to check your car's oil level correctly

Oil is the life force that powers your car. It lubricates, cleans, and cools the many moving parts  as they rotate repeatedly every minute. It reduces wear on engine components and ensures  everything works efficiently at controlled temperatures. It protects your engine and prevents it from breaking down. It’s

Jitendra Bothra
Jitendra Bothra
Car Technology

What is Road Rage & How to deal with it?

We’ve all experienced it. When someone cuts in front of you or drives recklessly putting other at  risk, it angers us to no end. Driving can be stressful already, and things like this can cause you  or others to lose their cool. All this hostile driving can lead to

Jitendra Bothra
Jitendra Bothra
Car Technology

What happens when your car runs out of fuel

The straightforward answer is - your car stops with no warning. It can be very harrowing,  especially if you’re on a busy road or in the middle of nowhere. You have to then push your car  to the nearest petrol station or call a tow truck. Regardless, it’s

Jitendra Bothra
Jitendra Bothra
Car Technology

Inspection checklist for buying a used car in the UAE

When buying a preloved car, whether through an online seller or a dealership, there’s always a  risk attached. Often we fall in love with the look and feel of a car, and make decisions from the  heart. It’s important to not get swept up in the excitement of

Jitendra Bothra
Jitendra Bothra
Car Buying Tips

Things to consider while selling your car

When it comes to selling your car, the road is hard and paved with complicated procedures. It’s  important to make the right decisions when it comes to things like the method of sale and price.  Once you find the right buyer you also have to take steps to ensure

Jitendra Bothra
Jitendra Bothra
Car Technology
How to Read your Car’s VIN Code

How to Read your Car’s VIN Code

A VIN or Vehicle Identification Number is unique to each car. It’s interesting how much information you can get from just VIN - from engine size to safety features.  More importantly, when you buy car parts, you can use this number to verify their legitimacy. You only need to

Jitendra Bothra
Jitendra Bothra
Car Buying Tips

Oil changes and when you need it

1. When to Change the Oil The answer to a lot of these questions is the same: Check your owner’s manual. It  should be your car maintenance and operation bible. Don’t make assumptions on the  interval based on past experiences or guidance from mechanics who profit from the

Jitendra Bothra
Jitendra Bothra
Car Buying Tips
Why low tire pressure will hurt your car

Why low tire pressure will hurt your car

Tire pressure is something we often don’t pay much attention to. But if not inflated properly it  can cause a myriad of problems. Low pressure can damage your tires and in the worst cases  can even be dangerous. To optimize tire performance and fuel economy it’s important to

Jitendra Bothra
Jitendra Bothra
Car Technology