Oil changes and when you need it
1. When to Change the Oil The answer to a lot of these questions is the same: Check your owner’s manual. It should be your car maintenance and operation bible. Don’t make assumptions on the interval based on past experiences or guidance from mechanics who profit from the
Essential Tyre Care Tips
Over time your tyres can get worn out, but with some simple care, they can perform optimally for a long time. Knowing how to look after your tyres can extend their life by years. Let’s look at a few simple tips: 1. Check tyre pressures every 2-3 weeks Most

Why low tire pressure will hurt your car
Tire pressure is something we often don’t pay much attention to. But if not inflated properly it can cause a myriad of problems. Low pressure can damage your tires and in the worst cases can even be dangerous. To optimize tire performance and fuel economy it’s important to
Tips to keep your parked car cool in the UAE heat
UAE, for the most part, is a car lover’s paradise. But even the best of cars can’t escape the scorching sun and the desert heat. For most of us living here, opening the car door to an uncomfortably hot interior and scalding seats is the norm. However, hot
Save money on expensive repairs
When it comes to car maintenance, there’s no time like the present. Simple checks, that you can do yourself, save you from major inconveniences down the road. The key is to do them routinely. Periodic checks can prevent bigger issues that lead to your car breaking down. Saving you