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What is Road Rage & How to deal with it?

We’ve all experienced it. When someone cuts in front of you or drives recklessly putting other at  risk, it angers us to no end. Driving can be stressful already, and things like this can cause you  or others to lose their cool. All this hostile driving can lead to

Jitendra Bothra
Jitendra Bothra
Car Technology

What happens when your car runs out of fuel

The straightforward answer is - your car stops with no warning. It can be very harrowing,  especially if you’re on a busy road or in the middle of nowhere. You have to then push your car  to the nearest petrol station or call a tow truck. Regardless, it’s

Jitendra Bothra
Jitendra Bothra
Car Technology
Beautiful WADIs in the UAE for your weekend pleasure cruise

Beautiful WADIs in the UAE for your weekend pleasure cruise

As the winter months come around, the weather in the UAE turns beautiful. If you’re the  adventure kind, it’s the perfect season for off-road drives & hikes in the natural beauty of the  country. Many families also pack a picnic or bring out their barbecue grill to enjoy

Jitendra Bothra
Jitendra Bothra

fantastic apps for stargazers and astrophotographers in the UAE

UAE’s vast open desert areas offer ample opportunity for those interested in the night sky.  Away from the city lights, you can clearly see constellations and sometimes even the milky way  belt. If you’re looking for a peaceful adventure or are a budding astrophotographer, we recommend  picking a

Jitendra Bothra
Jitendra Bothra
Car Buying Tips

Inspection checklist for buying a used car in the UAE

When buying a preloved car, whether through an online seller or a dealership, there’s always a  risk attached. Often we fall in love with the look and feel of a car, and make decisions from the  heart. It’s important to not get swept up in the excitement of

Jitendra Bothra
Jitendra Bothra
Car Buying Tips